
Join our healthy living challenge

Healthy recipes, easy exercises and tips for good mental health.

23 May 2020

EXERCISE PLANNER - by Adam Brett, Head of Medical 

Try and do some of these over the next few days, while observing social distancing rules when doing so. 

1. Dancing

2. Walking/Running

3. Talking to a friend while walking.

4. Deep clean a room (really!)

5. Mow the lawn

6. Bike ride

7. Make your own workout

8. Walk to the shops

9. Throw and catch a frisbee

10. Wash the car! 

GOOD MENTAL HEALTH by Sarah Murray, Performance Psychology Manager. 

During this difficult period we have a unique and rare opportunity to re-prioritise our mental well-being. Research shows that small changes build up. When we notice when we have made changes to look after ourselves, we generally start to feel better.

The mental well-being activities aim to help you feel calmer and happier at the end of the lockdown period. Even better, you don't need to spend a lot of money or have lots of free time to complete them.

Top tips:

  • Don't think it's selfish – taking care of ourselves gives us better focus and energy for supporting others
  • Share with a friend – When we share goals with others we are more likely to stick to them, get someone doing this with you
  • If you miss a day, don’t give up – the purpose is not to be perfect, however many day you complete will be far better than completing none, you are human you will miss some out and that is OK!
  • Keep it up – after the lockdown period, taking care of your well-being does not stop, continue with a couple of new habits that make you feel good.

EAT WELL by Head Chef Danny Nobrega Fernandes

We have devised some easy recipes which make great-tasting and healthy meals for all the family. Enjoy making and eating them!

To download Danny's seven recipes for the next seven days click here