We recognise that there is still much to be done, this is a journey, but it is not the start. Over the next year the club will be developing a strategy to guide the work in this area and identify areas that we can make further improvements to the efficiency of our operations and enhance the value of our impact.

  • Produce an annual carbon footprint that accounts for the club’s scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions and publish this on the club’s website
  • Develop a sustainability strategy to set out how we will reduce our environmental impact and drive positive change in our communities
  • Undertake a review of our energy and water usage through audits and data analysis to identify how we can make further reductions in utility consumption
  • Use the power of football to engage and inspire our communities to change their lives and empower them to make change in the world
  • Develop a programme of staff training and engagement to ensure all staff have the knowledge and awareness to empower them to act
  • Work with suppliers and partners to support them to make changes that reduce the impact resulting from our supply chain